#GGBlogChallenge – 20 Things That Make Me Happy

This post couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve spent approximately 20 of the past 24 hours in bed, looking glumly out of the window and wondering why exactly it is that I can’t drag myself out of bed, into a hot shower and out into the big wide world.

But let’s not dwell. I really thought about what makes me happy – think those weirdly specific things that you don’t realise you love until you REALLY think about it. Here we go.


  1. Reading a new magazine. Bonus points if you’re either tucked up in bed with a cold beverage (Aldi’s own-brand diet coke is my current favourite) or soaking in a brightly coloured bubblebath.
  2. Animals. Animals are little pure balls of love. You can’t feel sad when you’re snuggling up with a bunny rabbit/cat/dog/chinchilla.
  3. Sales. It’s a well-known fact in my family that if I disappear in a clothes shop, you’ll find me under the giant “Sale” sign. I don’t even look at full-priced clothes. The feeling I got when I bought a replacement of my all-time favourite rose gold watch for 25% of what I’d originally paid in H&M was second to none.
  4. Documentaries. Forget about literally everything else, stick my babe Louis Theroux on the TV and get totally drawn in. If you’re not mad keen on classic British awkwardness, turn to YouTube. From trashy (“Murdered By My Sister’s Stalker!”) to truly awe-inspiring (“My Flesh and Blood”),  something always sticks with you.
  5. Buying new shampoo and conditioner. Not having to squish the life out of a shampoo bottle to get the last tiny little dregs at the bottom is one of life’s simple pleasures.
  6. Social Media. Feeling glum? Search #bunniesofinstagram. Fancy a chat? There are literally hundreds of lovely likeminded girls (and guys) in the blogging community just 140 characters away.
  7. Doing your hair perfectly first time. Ah, the perfect messy bun. Extra fun if you manage it without a mirror!
  8. Musicals. Whether you’re a Heathers kinda person or you prefer the old classics (Oklahoma, anyone?), nothing better than a bit of a sing-song along to something cheesy.
  9. Jenna Marbles. I’m actually obsessed with Jenna – not only has she produced some pretty hilarious videos (her Face Swap video with her boyfriend has me actually sobbing) but she’s so intelligent (just listen to her podcast) and original that she’s a real source of inspiration for anyone wanting to make a career online.
  10. Mars Milkshakes. You know those little cartons of Mars Bar milkshakes? Yep, those bad boys. AMAZING.
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  11. Matching underwear. You’ve got your life together if you’re not wearing 2013 Tesco sale knickers.
  12. Having a healthy-eating day. Those days when you eat your five-a-day and supplement everything with chickpeas are great. Of course, then you ruin it by having a Burger King, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
  13. Planning. Having a handy little diary (or 3) is lovely and makes you look 100% professional and put together.
  14. Clean sheet night. Ahh, clean sheet night! Absolute bliss. Combine this with a new magazine and a Mars milkshake and you’ve pretty much got my perfect night in.
  15. Burning a new candle. I’ve actually got a little drawer of candles waiting to burn. I can’t choose. It’s literally like Sophie’s Choice.
  16. Getting parcels delivered. Who cares if it’s a fake Kylie lip kit I bought on a whim from AliExpress? I’m flipping excited to wait those 25-50 shipping days and get my hands on my new stuff.
  17. Next day delivery. Praise the genius who came up with this idea. Shopping has never been crueller to my PayPal account.
  18. Loungewear. I live in joggers. I also live in pyjama leggings, matching sets and fluffy socks. It’s my happy place.
  19. RuPaul’s Drag Race. C’mon hunty.
  20. My blog! I’m growing to love my blog again and getting my long-disappeared mojo back. Yay!

Tell me something that makes you happy and let’s grin at each other til it gets a bit weird. Do me a lil favour and follow me on bloglovin, or chat to me on Twitter @little_budget.


Blog Update!

If you’ve followed my blog since I started it last month (and I find it a little surreal that some of you do!) you’ll know I set out to create a fashion and beauty blog on a budget. The more posts I write the more I love it – so littlebudget is expanding.

I want to create a LIFESTYLE blog – fashion and beauty come under this, of course, and will probably be the prominent focus, but I also want to create a place where people can come, no matter of their age, location or gender, and have a bit of a laugh and feel inspired to do something.

Whether it’s vegetarian cooking or my list of must-have books – I just love writing. Seeing the positive responses from my readers and gaining followers is like a bonus (a very welcome bonus, I might add!).

So basically – even if nobody reads my stuff, I’m still going to post it.

But I hope you read it.