Hair & Skincare Haul

I did a bit of shopping today! I hadn’t bought anything new for a while; I’ve been trying to use up some of my existing products, but I was getting a bit bored of them and decided to have a little look round the shops for something new to try.

As well as buying some more hair dye (my hair had faded ridiculously – possibly because I wash it at least every other day with shampoo bars from Lush, which are amazing, but I don’t recommend them for coloured hair, as the colour is stripped pretty quickly), I thought I’d get a couple of skincare bits for when I run out of my Lush cleansers. Of course, when you’re looking at skincare you end up looking at haircare. It’s a vicious cycle. Let’s have a look.

DSC00082 DSC00085The first things I picked up were a little treat for myself. I once got a sample of the L’oreal Elvive Extraordinary Oil in a magazine, adored it, and bought the full version in Boots for £10. It seems a bit expensive, but it’s the only hair oil I’ve tried that actually seems to do anything – plus, it smells absolutely amazing. I jammed the bottle under my sister’s nose last night and said, “Doesn’t that smell like a sexy man?”. She agreed. It literally smells like a sexy man. I picked this bottle up in Tesco, where it was on offer for £8.50. I got the shampoo and conditioner (which delightfully also smell like a sexy man) from Superdrug, for £1.50 each. These are my “treat” hair products, for when I’m going out, or when I feel rubbish.


I bought a new Rosy Lips Vaseline, because I’ve been having a bit of
trouble with my lips getting really dry and bleeding (and trust me, that
definitely does not look very pretty). I did have a Body Shop strawberry
lip balm, but the more I used that, the more my lips seemed to crack.
I love the sheer pink tint this Vaseline has; makes your lips look
glossy and full while keeping them nice and safe in the cold weather.


I keep seeing these Clearasil Refreshing Pads in Superdrug when I pop in to lust over the Makeup Revolution palettes, and I always want to give them a go. I love pads (or liquids that you can pop onto a cotton pad) because I like to know where my product is going; they’re super convenient and easy to use. I put off buying them in Superdrug because of the price (I think they’re around £4), but I found the exact same ones in the 99p shop (yes, that does exist)! I love that there’s cranberry and raspberry in them – makes it feel a bit more fruity and luxurious on the skin. Plus, I’ve been getting some breakouts lately, which could be due to my new Rimmel foundation (which I love, and will be reviewing soon!). Hopefully these will clear that up!

I got this cranberry body scrub in the pound shop, and I’m glad I did, because it smells amazing! The exfoliating beads are pretty large,so I don’t know how effective it will be; but nice for a bath when you don’t want too much of a strong exfoliation. I also picked up this Nivea Express moisturiser in the 99p shop, as my skin is getting pretty dry in the cold weather.

What are some of your favourite skincare and haircare products for the horrible cold weather?

Posted in Cosmetics, Hair, Life beautyconditionerhaircarehaull'orealniveashampooskincare

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