My Fake Tanning Routine & My Glam Tan Review

It’s June! It’s Summer! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and my legs are glowing ghostly white through the rips in my jeans and blinding passers-by. Unfortunate.

So, fake tan to the rescue! I’m not one to spend £30 on a bottle that will inevitably leak all over everything I love, so I keep it cheap (as usual) and usually settle for a good ol’ St Moriz from Home Bargs. That’s what my mum calls Home Bargains.

I was feeling particularly “spendy” one day (it’s dangerous – I spent £20 on liquid lipsticks from Amazon two months ago and they still haven’t arrived) and took a jaunty little trip to Primark.

I was actually looking for their PS Pro makeup range but unfortunately my local store  is overrun by 12 year olds who want the world to crash and burn and stick their fingers in all the makeup. It was nowhere to be seen. Sad face.

So, being the resourceful budget beauty blogger that I am, I hustled over to the next shelf where all the tanning accessories are. Bunged a new tanning mitt in my basket, and then picked up a particularly jazzy rose gold bottle of PS Love My Glam Tan mousse.

Okay – first of all, the tan is only £3. The bottle is prettier than I am. The bottle alone would be worth £3, if you were running some sort of fake-tan-bottle museum.

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Now you’ve heard all about my life (sorry), let’s get on with my tanning routine!

I start with a shower, and exfoliate my skin before shaving. I read somewhere that exfoliating before shaving is the proper way to do things, so it’s the way I do things. Do it the other way round, if you want. I won’t judge.

I use the St Tropez Tan Optimiser Body Polish to exfoliate. I picked this bottle up in TK Maxx for £3 (£3!!) and it gets the job done marvellously. Baby dolphin legs, here I come.

To shave, I use Lush’s D’Fluff Strawberry Shaving Soap, mainly because it’s pink and wonderful. It’s really moisturising and gentle on sensitive skin too.

Once I’ve got all squeaky clean and stroked my newly-smooth legs like a serial killer for a bit, I moisturise. I like a gel texture before I tan, as it absorbs quickly – so I still have the motivation to actually tan myself…

At the moment I’m using The Body Shop’s Virgin Mojito Body Sorbet – it smells like summer and happiness and mint leaves. It’s also really cooling, so its perfect if you’ve had the shower on a bit too hot and have turned into a lobster. I’m sure the lady in the Body Shop told me you can keep it in the fridge too – perfect for holidays!

Once I’m all moisturised (and I’ve tied up my hair, because I once tanned the ends of my hair and it was an unfortunate time for me), I get started with tanning.


The tan itself comes out that weird dark green colour, and when applied with a mitt (perfectly, I might add, without any streaks or anything) makes you look like you’re decomposing slightly. I like that guide colour though – I’m notoriously slapdash, so it’s nice to see where I’ve tanned and where I’ve missed (usually the tops of my arms, and the back of my legs).

Now, I feel like the fake-tan fumes might have gone to my head here, but when I looked at the bottle in the store, I swear it said it was scented with green apple. As I’m writing this however, with the cheeky lil bottle of tan keeping me company, it says it’s scented with strawberries. What’s good, tan?

Anyway – it smells lovely, not that cloying biscuity smell that I usually associate with fake tan. I start with my legs (and then use the leftover tan on the mitt for my feet) and move upwards, which is probably how every person on earth fake tans and you’re skipping past this paragraph because duh, of course that’s how you tan…

I let the tan sink in overnight (A* for me, changing my sheets literally hours before deciding to tan) and have a quick shower in the morning with a gentle shower gel (don’t use anything too citrusy as it can break down the tan quickly!).

And now I’m all glowy and I keep admiring my arms, which always look slimmer and generally nicer with a good tan! My Glam Tan is amazing – definitely my new go-to.
My skin feels soft and there’s been no streaking at all – and I’m on day 3 now!

I top up my tan with more moisturiser every evening before bed (because who can be bothered to sit around waiting for it to dry before you get dressed in the morning?).

Have you tried My Glam Tan? Or do you have any secret tanning tips you don’t mind sharing? Let me know!

Posted in Cosmetics, Review fake tanmy glam tanPrimarkreviewroutine

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