I love a good lip tint (or ‘tip lint’, as I just mis-typed). Unfortunately, most good-quality lip tints are expensive (OCC’s Lip Tar, for example, the price of which gave me a heart attack). I was skeptical when I picked this one up for £2.99.
I shouldn’t have been skeptical – I love this stuff!

Lip Tint in “Pink” (creative name), £2.99
It goes on like acrylic paint – thick and a bit gooey and weird; but once you’ve blended it out with a finger (don’t use a brush, because it’ll clump the hairs together, as I learned the hard way) it just feels like slightly sticky lip gloss.
Trust me, this stuff sticks. I drank a milkshake (chocolate flavour, of course) and ate some breadsticks and it didn’t budge.
My lipstick usually disappears from the centre of my lips throughout the day (but stays round the edges) and I forget to touch it up so I wander about looking like a lunatic. I don’t need to worry about this one.
As you can see, the colour is really bright (I actually posted an Instagram photo with the caption ‘I feel naked without some sort of obnoxiously bright lipstick”) and can make a boring outfit look like you really made an effort.
I’m going to pop into H&M after university today to pick up the other colours – I’ve got my eyes on some more tip lints.