Liebster Award!

I’ve been nominated for a Liebster award by Emma from DKO Designs! Yay!

Okay, I’ve got to admit, I was a bit confused by the rules (is it 300 or 3000 followers? What does “Liebster” even mean?), but I’m going to roll with it and nominate three blogs (who all have under 3000 followers).

A More Creative Me
EVA Game Funk

Yay! Again.

Now for my answers to the questions.

1. What started you blogging?
I actually wanted to start a blog for years, but settled for a YouTube channel instead. That was getting time consuming and stressful (and getting no views!), and I just wasn’t enjoying it any more. I missed writing and taking pictures. I wanted people to judge me on my writing, not my dodgy hairline on YouTube.

2. How long has your blog been going for?
I actually started my blog on my 20th birthday, on the 17th of October 2014. It’s been going about a month and a half, which seems crazy because it feels much longer!

3. Do you have a favourite craft or if not some other favourite hobby?
I’m actually hopeless at any sort of crafting! I’m definitely not an arty person, although I’d love to be. My hobbies include video games, reading, writing, fashion and beauty (of course!), cooking, and most importantly, eating.

4. Do you have any pets in your family?
Yes! I have two rabbits. This is them:IMG_0255 (2)The black and white one is Ben, and the antisocial brown one is Pixie. It was Summer when this picture was taken, hence their Summer accessories.

5. Do you like to travel?
I do. I like the actual travelling part – I adore long car journeys.

6. Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever been?
Awkward – I’ve never been abroad. I’ve been to Wales, which was pretty, and Scotland, which was pretty and cold. I’ll say Scotland was the most interesting, because we stayed in a gorgeous little cottage that looked over a loch and it was all very magical when my mum wasn’t getting Lyme disease from a tick bite (true story).

7. Who inspires you?
Sounds horrendously cheesy, but the children I work with. As their drama teacher, I see the most crazy, original, creative ideas come out of these kids, and they’re just so funny and lovely. I can’t wait til next year, when two of my students are performing in a professional touring musical. I’m planning on sobbing really loudly and embarrassing them.

8. What is your favourite quote?
A woman is like a teabag. You don’t know how strong she is until she’s in hot water.

9. What was the best or most surprising piece of advice you ever received from your parent/s?
Not strictly a piece of advice, but when I rang them crying after my first week of my first degree, and told them I hated it, they told me to come home. I’m so grateful for that.

10. Where do you find peace?
Anywhere there’s a blanket and someone to talk to.

11. What makes you laugh?

Nominees, here are your questions:

1. How would you describe yourself?
2. How would you describe your blog?
3. What’s the best thing that ever happened to you?
4. How do you relax?
5. What’s your favourite book?
6. What are your future plans for your blog?
7. What is your most prized possession?
8. What’s your favourite quote?
9. What are 3 things you can’t live without?
10. Who is your favourite fictional character?
11. What’s your favourite blog post that you’ve written?

Happy blogging, everybody!

Posted in Life awardliebsterlife

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