Top 5 Nude Lips For All Skintones

Top 5 nude lips for all skintones with overlay

I’ve been loving a good nude lately (cheeky) – my go-to used to be a bright red or berry shade, so it’s pretty different for me to be rocking a nude lip. I tend to pair my nude shade with a smoky brown eye to make my look more “Autumny”. It’s nearly September, I’m allowed to crave Autumn, right?

I’m pretty lucky in that I suit a lot of nude shades (I think – it doesn’t look like I have concealer on my lips, anyway!) – so I think these shades would be perfect for all skintones.

So here are my top 5!

LA Colours Lip Liner - Nude

Without a doubt one of my all-time favourite lipliners, this cost me a teeny £1 in Boyes! The colour is essentially an exact match for my lips, so it’s perfect as a base below lipstick, or just to define my cupid’s bow a lil bit.
LA Colours Lipstick - Matte Caramel Cream

Another super-thrifty find, this lipstick only cost me a pound. Yay! It’s super creamy and moisturising (and I have DRY lips, believe me, they’re gross) and lasts ages. It also has that lovely vanilla-y smell that I’ve come to know and love from cheap lipsticks. No shame.

No7 Lipgloss - Coral Kiss

Ah, my favourite lip gloss of all time. I’m having a lipgloss revival – but gone are the days when I bought the gloopiest, brightest pink I could get my hands on (man, those were the days…) that stuck my lips to my hair on an almost permanent basis. This gloss tastes and smells faintly fruity and gives the most juicy looking glossy finish. If you want to feel like a movie star, splash out a little more on your lipgloss. It’s worth it!

Revlon Just Bitten Lipstain and Balm - Lust

This lip stain is one of my daily products. I don’t usually cover my lips with this one, but I smudge it along the inside of my top and bottom lip to create a puffed up, almost bruised look (think more ‘plumped’ than ‘beaten up’, though). That sounds really gross, but it looks nice. Trust me on this one.Topshop Lip Paint - Elevate

Ah, Topshop beauty products. The packaging, the colours, even the label – everything is right up my street. Everything except the price tag. I bought this gorgeous orangey-toned nude liquid lipstick in the sale. My tip for makeup shopping in Topshop? Wait for the sale, then dig through the… questionable stuff, until you find sealed products. I found half-empty pots with sale stickers covering the “tester” label, so maybe steer clear of those…

So these are my top 5 nude lip products! Will you be trying any out?

Kylie Jenner, lip gloss, lip paint, lips, lipstick, nude, revlon, topshop Leave a comment

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