Review: Lush Oxford Street “Intergalactic” Bath Bomb

I’ve never been so excited to go shopping, like, ever. IMG_0876

I’ve seen millions (slight exaggeration) of hauls popping up all over the place, so I’m hopping onto the bandwagon and sharing my views on my latest product from Lush’s Oxford Street collection: Intergalactic bath bomb!

This cute lil bomb is priced at £3.95 (which is by no means cheap – I hope the price will go down a little bit when the products aren’t as “new”!) and smells really fresh and minty. I absolutely love fresh minty scents – one of my favourite Lush scents is “Dirty” – think spearmint polos!

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As you can see, the colours go swirling about in the bath – this one looked absolutely gorgeous as it was fizzing away. I was a bit wary – sometimes when there are so many colours involved, the water can go a really unappealing grey colour (“Granny Takes A Dip”, I’m looking at you…!), but luckily this didn’t happen!

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Once all the fizzing has stopped, the water is a gorgeous deep royal/navy blue colour with gold lustre – literally the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. I sat in the bath for ages staring at the glitter swirling about! The scent pretty much disappears though, which I was a bit upset about – nothing a bit of Dirty Springwash shower gel won’t fix!

I loved this bath bomb – but I didn’t love scrubbing the gold and copper glitter off my bath once I’d finished… Still – a really pretty, luxurious product; the perfect end to a pamper night.

Posted in Cosmetics bathbombfighting animal testingintergalacticLUSHnewoxford streetproductsreview

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