I recently saw a Tweet that almost made me wet myself with excitement.
It was Cosmopolitan UK, posting a review of… what was that? Poundland’s very own makeup line?!
As you know, I love Poundland. And Pound World. And the 99p Shop (oh yes, that exists). Luckily, there’s a Poundland literally a mile up the road from me, so yesterday I popped in on my way back from uni. I was not disappointed. Here’s a little overview of the stuff I picked up. There will definitely be more posts like this when I pick up the rest of the line!
Nail Polish, Base Coat and Cuticle Oil

I absolutely can’t wait to try out these purples – I’m impressed with how the colours are different to other brands that I’ve tried. “Parma Violet” is more of a ‘bright pastel’, if such a thing can exist, while “Purple Rain” has a gorgeous grey tone to create a really moody colour.

I immediately wanted to try these polishes out, so I went for “Blood Red”. The end result? Less of a “Blood Red” and more of a “Squashed Raspberry”, but still lovely; I only needed two coats and the shine is impressive for a £1 product. The base coat and cuticle oil feel really nourishing. I love doubling up my cuticle oil with a hand cream; it’s totally worth the half-hour you have to sit quietly, not daring to move in case you get big greasy marks all over everything…
Pressed Powder

Okay – I’m so excited for this product. I find it really hard to match powder to my skin colour – I normally get my foundation looking just right and then ruin it with orange-toned powder. This one is much cooler-toned, and will also be perfect for a Halloween tutorial I have coming up in the next couple of days… Hmm, I wonder which character has perfect pale skin? You’ll find out on Wednesday.
I wish I could have picked up some more, but it looked like everyone had the same idea as me and had stocked up, nearly emptying the shelves. I asked a shop assistant who told me they’d restock on Monday, so I’ll be popping in again then. Stay tuned for my Halloween tutorials (with accompanying video, if my video editing software falls back in love with me again), and some fashion posts coming very, very soon.