You know those days when you wake up feeling a bit rubbish? We’re going to fix that. High five.
The first step is actually getting up out of bed. Yes, lie-ins are lovely, but how are you going to fit in all of your happy activities if you stay in bed til 3 in the afternoon? I get up before 9am even on mornings where I don’t have to do anything. Lie-ins make me feel sluggish and sick. Gross.
If getting up is difficult, make it a treat. Promise yourself that you’ll wash your face (properly – who else is guilty of just using a baby wipe to get rid of the day’s makeup?) and maybe do a face mask. You can even pop back into your bed while it’s drying – but make sure you sit up or you’ll ruin your pillows.
Do something interesting – read a chapter of a book or half of a magazine. Watch a movie – my current favourite is “The Addams Family Values”. Play a video game (I’m obsessed with my Xbox). Write a little to-do list. Moisturise your feet (you know you don’t do that enough).
Make sure your bedroom is tidy. If you share a bed with someone, make sure they’re tidy too. Hoover them.
Just kidding.
If your room isn’t tidy – tidy it. It really does make you feel a thousand times better. Light a candle. My favourite one is by Kringle Candles in the scent “Watercolour”. My grandma bought it for me one year at Christmas and now it reminds me of her, so that’s nice.
Now get dressed. I like to go for something comfy, but nice to look at. Don’t go for pyjama trousers and an old stained t-shirt, because if you catch sight of yourself in the mirror you might cry a bit. If you’re really sensitive, anyway. As I write this post it’s half past 9 in the morning and I went for plain black leggings and a light grey knitted jumper.
Next up, perfume. Choose something light and positive. I went for “Dirty” by LUSH. I think it’s supposed to be a man’s fragrance – it smells like spearmint – but I don’t care; I love it. I like to go for a solid perfume sometimes because, let’s face it, perfume is expensive, and when you spray it around, most of it doesn’t even hit your skin. At least with these little tins from LUSH, you control exactly where the scent goes. Also, isn’t the tin adorable?
Breakfast time! As I write this, I’m contemplating what I should have for breakfast. I think I’m going to go for scrambled eggs and brown toast. As someone who reaaally doesn’t like to eat in the morning, this is a nice option as it’s light, but fills you up because of the protein in the eggs.
I don’t like to boast, but I make the best scrambled eggs on Earth. Here’s my method:
I crack two eggs into a little jug, and add a tiny bit of milk. Add in some salt – I found a special ‘garlic and herb’ salt which saves you having to fiddle about with basil and stuff. If you like pepper, add that in too.
Now whisk the eggs up altogether. Don’t go too mental or your eggs will go all bubbly and that’s not so nice.
Put a small scoop of butter into a frying pan and heat it up. I prefer to use butter with my eggs rather than oil, just because olive oil especially can sometimes leave a bit of an aftertaste.
Slosh the egg mixture into the pan, and stir it about with a little wooden thing. I think I use a fish-slice. None of my family eat fish, so I’m guessing the fish-slice was bought for the purpose of scrambling eggs.
You’ll see that the eggs start to harden up a little bit quite quickly, so you’ve got to keep your eye on them. When they start forming little clumps, you know they’re nearly ready. This is when I pop my bread into the toaster.
Butter your toast, scoop the eggs out of the pan, and you’ve got your breakfast. If you’re feeling super fancy, you can add some cut-up avocado, which goes gorgeous with toast.
Does anyone else have a coffee machine in their kitchen that they have absolutely no idea how to use?
Voila; breakfast of champions complete.
Feeling better yet?