Where I’ve Been | Life Update

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted to this blog. I’ve got SO many reasons/excuses/whatever you want to call them, and I won’t bore you with them all (they include really boring things such as “I was too busy buying a new hoover”).

However, I thought it would only be right to let you know some of the stuff that’s kept me from blogging, from the technical side to the emotional side.

1. My WordPress password stopped working. I reset it. It stopped working. You get the picture.

2. I’ve been really busy interning for Alffa Apparel – I manage their social media (so if @AlffaApparel has followed you on Twitter, hi, it’s me! Please follow back!).

3. I’ve got 3 new little creatures living with me… More on my pet rats (!) coming soon (they won’t sit still long enough for me to photograph them!). They’re so adorable, but require a LOT of cuddles and playtime. Keeping an eye on 3 tiny baby rats as they hurtle about in my living room is pretty difficult.

4. I’ve been sad. Lame. More on that coming soon, too.

So this has been just a tiny little update – I’ll post something fun and exciting and shiny tomorrow! Thank you so much for sticking with me. I love blogging, and I love you!

Posted in Life lifeupdatewhere I've been

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