It’s Chriiiistmaaaas!! (soonish)
Now, I normally don’t get too excited for Christmas (I know, I know – I’m essentially the Grinch). I tend to wake up too early, eat too much chocolate and feel a bit sick and tired for the entire day. But this year is different. I’m going to treat myself (and my family!) to a really gorgeous Christmas – which of course I’ll be documenting on this blog!
Now. In order for me to spoil my family, I have to spoil myself too. Naturally.
I had a little peep at some gorgeous jewellery from Nude Jewellery. The London-based brand sells unique jewellery, which is handmade by leading designers. And it’s all flipping beautiful.

This unusual ring, designed by Elise Goldin, caught my eye almost immediately. I absolutely love the amethyst effect, and the silver, lilac and purple on this piece really complement each other. Something about the precise shape and criss-cross effect of the silver reminds me of the Elven city (city? town?) of Rivendell in “The Lord of the Rings”. It’s beautiful without being too flashy, dainty but not too little: in short, it’s lovely.
As all of Nude Jewellery’s products are handmade, every item is unique; and so the exact shades of purple will be slightly different on each ring. I think this makes it even more special, with more of a personal touch. If you don’t feel like treating yourself, it would be a gorgeous, personal gift for someone else (and then you can ‘borrow’ it later, and ‘forget’ to give it back…).
It’s just so nice to give special gifts like this. I prefer giving presents than getting them (I’m just such a good person). This ring means something; it’s special and lovely and, let’s face it, I’d rather have this than a selection box.